A number of models recommend steps or processes for engaging a campus community in promoting campus mental health (View Appendix B in the guide). The following summarizes key processes outlined in these approaches:

  • Assess campus member mental health and how it impacts their success. Collect multi-modal data for the campus community to show the importance or relevance of issues.
  • Build broad based buy-in from all community members including senior administration.
  • Establish a cross-campus committee from multiple diverse stakeholders tasked with championing the development and implementation of a mental health strategic plan.
  • Ensure that dedicated resources are allocated for planning, implementation and evaluation
  • Conduct an environmental scan of practices, strategies and resources that promote mental wellbeing. Assess strengths, gaps, and priorities for action (see Appendix C).
  • Develop a strategic plan for promoting mental health. Identify immediate and ongoing priorities for action, best practices approaches, resources required and responsibilities.
  • Implement a campus strategic plan for promoting mental health.
  • Evaluate, measure, and share results with stakeholders.
  • Celebrate progress toward goals and recognize champions.
  • Engage in a process of continuous improvement based on ongoing evaluation, sharing, and knowledge exchange within mental health/ post-secondary communities.

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