HM|HC Info Session: Campus Suicide Prevention

Posted on December 8th, 2020



Topic of Information Session: Campus Suicide Prevention

Date and Time: December 10th, 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM (PST)

HM|HC Info Sessions are a resource available for our community of practice. These Info Sessions introduce mental health and substance use-related items, such as research findings, surveys, new services and other resources that may be of interest to our Community of Practice (CoP).

This Info Session will be held to assist attendees in learning more about best practices in suicide prevention and how to apply them in a campus context. Our expert panel will be available for the first hour to answer any questions from the audience as it relates to suicide prevention and their respective expertise.

During the second hour of the Info Session, the HM|HC Support Team will be available to provide any technical assistance regarding the Campus Suicide Prevention Grant application. There will also be an opportunity for participants to learn and work collaboratively with one another in small breakout groups.

Through this session you will:

  • Learn about best practices in suicide prevention and how to apply them in a campus context
  • Participate in a Q&A with the expert panelists
  • Receive technical assistance from the HM|HC Support Team
  • Work collaboratively with applicants from different campuses

HM|HC Info Session format:

  • Info Session with the option to connect over computer audio, chat or phone
  • Please mute audio after joining
  • A recording will be made available after the Info Session

Click here to register for the information session


Cecilia Marie Roberts

Cecilia Marie is passionate about life promotion/suicide prevention and understands from a first-hand perspective the toll that suicide has on individuals, families and communities. For over 15 years Cecilia Marie has been focused on suicide prevention, including supporting communities across the province to utilize whole community approaches to address the issue of youth suicide. Cecilia Marie has trained thousands of community members to be alert to suicide and understand how to have the difficult conversations with loved ones in distress. Cecilia Marie Roberts is the Suicide Prevention Project lead for the Canadian Mental Health Association Waterloo Wellington Branch where she is currently leading the implementation of the Here4Hope project, Wellington’s framework for promoting life and preventing suicide.

E. David Klonsky

E. David Klonsky, PhD, is Professor of Psychology at the University of British Columbia. He received his PhD in Clinical Psychology from the University of Virginia, and completed his clinical internship at Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic at University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. He has more than 100 publications on suicide, self-injury, and related topics, and has been recognized by awards from the American Association of Suicidology, Association for Psychological Science, and Society of Clinical Psychology (APA). He is Past-President of the International Society for the Study of Self-injury, Associate Editor of Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, and has advised the American Psychiatric Association for DSM-5 and both the US and Canadian governmental organizations regarding suicide and self-injury prevention. In 2015 he published the Three-Step Theory (3ST) of suicide.

Michael Mandrusiak

Michael Mandrusiak is the Associate Director, Student Access and Well-being, at the British Columbia Institute of Technology, where he provides direction and support to Accessibility Services, Counselling & Student Development and Student Health Services. Prior to coming to BCIT, Michael served as Core Faculty and Director of Clinical Training for Adler University’s Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.) in Clinical Psychology program in Vancouver. Michael earned his doctorate in clinical psychology at Baylor University, where he completed his doctoral research with Dr. David Rudd on warning signs for suicide. He completed a pre-doctoral internship at the University of Manitoba and a post-doctoral fellowship at the University of British Columbia, both in postsecondary counselling settings. Michael is registered as a psychologist in the province of British Columbia



For any questions or assistance in regards to the Campus Suicide Prevention Grant, please email [email protected] 


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