Project Overview
In 2020, The Canadian Mental Health Association – BC Division (CMHA BC), in partnership with BC’s Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions (MMHA), invited proposals from publicly-funded post-secondary institutions in BC to engage in campus suicide prevention initiatives. The intent of this project was to assist post-secondary institutions in developing and implementing new or expanded campus suicide prevention frameworks and supporting rollout through the Healthy Minds| Healthy Campuses (HM|HC) community-of-practice network. HM|HC provided on-demand technical assistance to support these initiatives throughout the duration of the grant project.
Each institution was invited to submit one proposal on behalf of their school (including multiple campuses) that described how they would utilize the funding to support existing or new suicide prevention initiatives. Proposals needed to be collaborative in nature and consider a whole campus approach when discussing suicide prevention. Student and cross-departmental input was vital in the application process and throughout the funding term.