Healthy Minds | Healthy Campuses Rack Card

Posted on June 8th, 2016

Learn more about Healthy Minds | Healthy Campuses with this short Rack Card. Please feel free to share this PDF with anyone who might be interested in learning more or getting involved with our Community of Practice.

The document provides an overview of what Healthy Minds | Healthy...

Helping People Who Use Substances

Posted on January 21st, 2015

Many of us can and do use alcohol, cannabis, prescription medications or other substances in ways that carry minimal risk of harm. But sometimes we may lose our way and start using more, or more often, for a wide variety of personal, social or environmental reasons. The guide offers suggestions...

Understanding Substance Use

Posted on January 21st, 2015

This guide addresses substance use from a health promotion perspective.  Like food, sex and other “feel good” things in life, psychoactive substances (or drugs) change the way we feel. And just as food and sex help humans survive and thrive but can also get us into trouble—with our...

Plant the Seeds and See What Grows: Education and Culture Change

Posted on January 20th, 2015

A short blog on how to use education to shift a culture of substance use on campus.

It Takes a Whole Campus

Posted on January 17th, 2015

A graphic recording from Summit Keynote Address: It takes a whole campus … Promoting mental health for students, faculty and staff by Trevor Hancock at Summit 2011. Twenty-five years ago, the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion launched the ‘settings approach’ to health promotion....

What Do Our Students Have to Say?

Posted on January 17th, 2015

A graphic recording from a catalyst session: Student Consultant Panel Interview at Summit 2011. This plenary dialogue session served as an opportunity to position a group of students as consultants about
the project of promoting campus mental health and reducing harmful substance...

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