Canadian post-secondary education partnership launches to reduce alcohol-related harms on campus

Posted on June 19th, 2017

The Postsecondary Education Partnership — Alcohol Harms (PEP–AH) launched today with a strong commitment to taking steps to address collectively alcohol-related harms on Canadian campuses.

PEP–AH is a partnership among Canadian universities and colleges, Universities Canada and the Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA, formerly known as the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse). Members of PEP–AH are collaborating to share strategies and best practices specific to alcohol issues on campuses. The group is working with an evidence-based strategic framework for action developed by CCSA to support campus teams, made up of students, staff and faculty, that aim to reduce harms related to alcohol consumption.

“PEP–AH is guided by a vision: that postsecondary campuses are communities where students are able to embrace the opportunity before them to learn and grow, free from serious harms related to alcohol,” said Catherine Paradis, co-chair of PEP–AH and senior research and policy analyst with CCSA. “CCSA is proud to partner in this effort. It’s heartening to see such a strong commitment among students to playing a leadership role in creating a constructive environment where they can learn, socialize and feel safe.”

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